Obstacles: Keep the faith and face it.

It often seems like just when life starts going perfectly well that something awful happens. We try so hard to make sense of it – we think about how much better life would be if it had never happened. In our minds we undo it all. Or we ignore it entirely, completely surrendering the idea that we might have any sort of responsibility to it at all.

At the root of it all, we’re afraid.

We doubt ourselves and our ability to overcome it. We become riddled with anxiety, or we cope by either distracting ourselves or denying the obstacle entirely.

When a obstacle comes your way in life, I want you to remember one simple thing: this is so much more than an obstacle. 

It’s about more than staying positive, or not letting anyone down. It’s about more than getting through the challenge because there is no other option. This obstacle is actually…

…an opportunity. 

And until you are able to see your obstacles as opportunities, you will maintain a victim mentality and continue to struggle. In your mind, I want you to have faith, that this has happened for a reason. Even if you can’t see it right now, even if it doesn’t make any sense right now, there is something good that can come from this unfortunate event.

This is your opportunity to grow. If you continue on through in your comfort zone of things going ‘perfectly well’, you will never be in a situation where you are so strongly encouraged to better yourself. Doesn’t the best come out of us when push comes to shove? Don’t we create new strategies to deal with these changes? Perhaps even have the chance to see a whole ‘nother side of ourselves?

When something ‘bad’ happens it is so easy to slip into that victim mentality. It is honestly and truly the first place my mind goes. My automatic thinking goes “why me?”. But I always challenge that automatic thinking. I know the more I face the fear of the challenge in front of me, I change that “why me” to “try me”.

And in that moment, I don’t know the how, but I know for sure that facing it only makes me better.

So I want to challenge my readers today – the next time an obstacle pops up in front of you: Keep the faith and face it. This is your opportunity to show the world what you’re really made of.

Have a great day everyone, thanks for reading!






One response to “Obstacles: Keep the faith and face it.”

  1. tarnishedsoul Avatar

    I’m facing a major obstacle in my life right now and I’m doing everything I can to not give in to it.
    This post is a good reminder why I can’t run and hide.

    Liked by 1 person

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