July Update 

Damn, it feels good to be back!

I know, I know – I only took like, a one week hiatus from blogging. But Standing Strong Wellness is my baby, and not being able to focus on it was rough.

I had a great reason though, and those of you who follow me on Instagram already know: I was working on completing final assignments and studying for my final exam for CSNN!

I wrote the exam two days ago. The intensity leading up to it was such that it took me almost a full 24 hours to come back down from it all. Perhaps it’s an anxiety thing. But I felt so wound up, and I couldn’t unwind myself. I’m happy to report I feel like I’m getting there today.

My plans for the next couple of days include catching up on my house chores, steaming through some Netflix shows, and being outside – as the summers tend to disappear quickly here in Calgary! I’m also getting back into my regular gym routine, which already feels amazing.

And although I am looking forward to some much deserved downtime, I am also eager to jump into the next thing(s). As much as I would love to get my future consulting business up and running, regrettably I do have to wait until after I walk across the stage in September to practice. When I first heard this, I was a little bummed. Then, I realized it is a blessing.

I’ve been working on a couple of projects that could use my full attention for the next couple of months.

The first thing is updating this blog. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been going back into the archives and doing some major house cleaning. I’m also working on adding a few new pages. Being that I am so not a tech-savvy person, I’m glad to have have some extra time to work on it!

I will also be releasing two products in the coming weeks – one sooner rather than later! Stay tuned on it because I don’t want you to miss out, aight?

In sum, exciting upcoming things include: creative projects and more gym sessions. It sounds boring to some, but this is what I live for. Plus, I need time to establish a new routine that will suit me over the coming months, now that I won’t be having so many 12 hour long days away from home anymore!

This next little bit of the adventure is going to be all about passion. Waking up with it. Following it. Living it.

Have you guys had any major routine changes lately? How do you deal with them?






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