#betterskin Challenge – Final Update 

Hi guys!

Last we left off on the #betterskin Challenge – week 4 – I really didn’t feel like I was where I wanted to be. You know why?

Because good skin isn’t made overnight or errrr, even in 4 weeks! It takes time, diligence – perseverance! But the patience pays off, I promise you!

So here we are, week 6. But woah woah woah… let’s rewind it for a minute and talk about the changes I’ve implemented over the past few weeks in an effort to help my skin…

  1. Drinking more water
  2. Supplementing with Stress Care
  3. Adding dandelion root tea (daily)
  4. Adding a homemade face scrub to my beauty routine (2 x a week)
  5. Upping my dietary fats (daily)
  6. And keeping it all up for 6 weeks!


I know it can be hard to tell, but I can feel the difference in my skin. It is much, much less dry. My skin tone is brighter and I have a more even skin tone. I am proud of the changes that I’ve made to my routine, especially drinking more water and just practicing some extra acts of self care, like drinking tea and doing my homemade face scrub!

What I learned from doing this challenge is that there really is no secret to good skin. And like most of the rewards in this world, it is earned – not given! That means I can’t give up the great changes I’ve made and expect great results – I need to keep up with my routine.

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So what am I gonna keep – and what’s getting kicked? Well – I wouldn’t say I’m kicking anything – but I am going to make a couple of adjustments. I love a good homemade face scrub, but if I can find a great natural one at the health food store, I’ll make the swap. It saves me time, which is precious to me, and I’ll also get to feel like I’m pampering myself more.

I’m also going to switch up my nightly tea – I love dandelion root, but I think Holy Basil and Chamomile are also great options that help to regulate cortisol levels as opposed to focusing on the liver detoxification route.

I believe the same thing I did when I started this challenge – that great skin is made mostly from the inside out! If you want better skin, start with your nutrition – and make the tweaks necessary along the way for you to reach your goal.

Thanks for following along!

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