Tag: natural remedies for anxiety

  • 5 Best Supplements for Anxiety

    5 Best Supplements for Anxiety

    Two things we know a lot about here at SSW: supplements and anxiety. Finally, it’s time to combine the two into one epic blog post. Anxiety is a monster that needs to be managed, so in this case the supplements are… the manager? The assistant manager? Okay, that makes their job sound way less cool…

  • Acute Fasting: Good for Anxiety?

    Acute Fasting: Good for Anxiety?

    While everyone else enjoys their down time in the outdoors, or out shopping with friends, or even just lazing about watching tv, I can usually be found on my laptop looking up new and interesting facts about anxiety. Don’t worry – I do know how to have fun. But I also enjoy finding cool new…

  • Chill with Holy Basil

    Chill with Holy Basil

    I was sitting in class a couple weeks ago when I heard a classmate mention that she uses Holy Basil tea to help her with anxiety. Obviously, my ears perked up, and I thought… what the heck is that? I was curious, but upon hearing that it helps with anxiety and can be made as…