Make it Happen Monday

I hummed and hawed all day about this Make it Happen Monday – dabbling with doing it on different subjects – neglecting the one that kept calling to me.

I hate what happened in Vegas last night, and it makes my soul heart to talk about. More truthfully, it scares me. But I can’t shy away from it, because I really do think it’s important.

We live in a world where a lot of things are unpredictable – a lot of things are out of our control. The anxious side of me has trouble digesting this idea, because I don’t want to give up the little control I feel I have sometimes.

But I have to let it go.

In the face of such unspeakable acts, we can’t let fear manipulate us. Forget the fear, remember love. Never let the fear win. Not on the big arena in the real world, and not on the small arena – the one inside your mind.

Love conquers all. I know that saying is overused but I believe it to be true. Love over everything. Don’t let the darkness win.

Move forward this week with a full heart and a fearless spirit.

I love you, readers.

Happy Monday – we are blessed enough to see another week.






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