20 Things You Can Do to Cope (the Healthy Way)

Hey you guys! I hope everyone had a wonderful week.

But just so you know, this post is more so for those who didn’t have such a wonderful week. I’m talking about the strugglers; the bad-day-ers, the self-sabotagers.

Sometimes when we’re hurting we want to escape, and we all have different vices. Some drink, some get high, some overeat, and some self-harm. But when you get down to it, these are all just the strategies we habitually run to when we want a way out of feeling the way that we do.

It takes a while to realize that these activities actually don’t make us feel better; they bury our pain. And it’s temporary. It will rise to the surface again, and the cycle will repeat itself until we learn to actually deal with our feelings in a healthy and constructive way.



Today, I’m making a list of all the things you can do besides engaging in any unhealthy coping activities. I suggest trying at least 5 – 10 in any given situation, because hey sometimes one just isn’t quite enough.

  1. Call a friend
  2. Get outside
  3. Hug an animal
  4. Watch funny videos on Youtube
  5. Organize your closet
  6. Cocoon yourself in a blanket
  7. Tell someone you love them
  8. Light some candles
  9. Yoga
  10. Watch a cartoon
  11. Deep breaths in and out
  12. Go for a workout
  14. Take a nap
  15. Look in the mirror and say ” I love you “
  16. Look up travel pictures
  17. Draw/ Color a picture
  18. Find support for what you’re going through (counselor/friend/support group)
  19. Take a bath
  20. Dance (whether someone is watching or not)

I know these seem like simple things, and that’s because they are. Who wants complicated in the heat of a difficult moment? I hope you’ll consider some of these options the next time you’re in a bind!

Keep your head up, strong babes!

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it”


One response to “20 Things You Can Do to Cope (the Healthy Way)”

  1. AdrienneCollins Avatar

    ❤ Was this written for me? Great advice!


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