Make it Happen Monday

Did you miss it?

I definitely felt the absence of Make it Happen Monday over the past couple of weeks!

I gotta be honest with you guys –  in starting 2018 I thought about discontinuing the Make it Happen Monday series. With being stretched so thin, it just meant one less thing to stress about getting done in the week.

But I’ve realized that doing this weekly post doesn’t stress me (silly me), it motivates me, just in the way I would hope it kicks you in the butt too.

So lets get down to it!!

Why are we often so afraid of a little hard work? After all, isn’t it just a stepping stone?

Sometimes we wish we could rush things – we wish we could skip the hard work and just get straight to the end goal. It doesn’t work that way!



The hard work you put in is what makes the end result so rewarding. Don’t wish you could trade that in.

Success is for anyone, anyone willing to work for it.

Have a great day everyone, kick butt and make it happen!








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